Rangs Group is one of the premier conglomerates in Bangladesh. With headquarters in Tejgaon, Dhaka, we conduct business countrywide. Driven by the passion to be the best and with a team of unique professionals, we bring trusted brands of the world within the reach of everyone in Bangladesh. Rangs Group started its journey as a single business unit in 1979 and now has grown successfully in multiple sectors. Striving to implement the practical initiatives required to achieve its vision and guided by a relentless focus on values, the group maintains close relations with its foreign principals thereby guaranteeing quality products and efficient service to their valued customers. Rangs Group believes in delivering operational excellence to meet commitments. For the progression of its mission it has diversified and grown to be one of the largest industrial and trading conglomerates of the country under the same management. With diversification and a rich variation of products it has earned repute among Bangladeshi people as a distributor of premium and quality brands and services.

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