Rangs Electronics Ltd. ( Mirpur Showrooms)

Rangs Industries Ltd (RIL) is one of the biggest players in the electronics industry in Bangladesh that was established in 1979 had spread its wings all over the country and has workforce of more than 700 and is a pioneer in the Electronics market. RIL is one of the sister concerns of Rangs Group of Companies (RGC), which is one of the most reputed and largest groups in Bangladesh. The company was registered under the Companies Act of 1913 and was incorporated in Bangladesh on 11th April, 1985. Rangs Industries Limited at 184, Tejgaon I/A ,Dhaka-1208 is the distributor of Toshiba & Samsung Household Appliance in Bangladesh and engaged in assembling LCD/LED TV (TOSHIBA & SAMSUNG Brand) by importing those in CKD and SKD form which are being sold in the market on value addition. We are importer and seller of Refrigerator, Freezer, Air Conditioner, Generator, Washing Machine and other electrical home appliances. All our products are being sold through wide range of network 32 Sales centers and more than 150 authorized dealers throughout the country. Rangs Industries Limited has highly skill, well trained & experienced workforce at all departments who are working all departments all over Bangladesh. The management of Rangs Industries Limited (RIL) is decided to its commitment of quality and their strength lies in their fully dedicated and quality team of sales personnel's. Each area of work is departmentalized on a purely functional basis and is directed to achieve qualitative superiority.

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