Radio Today Media Academy (RTMA)

As the most intimate and personalized element of the mass media FM Radio, TV or Social media, radio has made a huge difference in Bangladesh. It affected individuals by providing one-to-one communication and enjoyment through the air waves and internet. The demand for qualified human resource in this industry is rapidly increasing. Radio Today Media Academy introduces these courses to create professionals for the media industry. The purpose of these courses is to explore programming and production by giving a view from the inside. This is the very first initiative in Bangladesh, brought by Radio Today, with international standard curriculum and highly qualified & experienced broadcasters, TV newscasters/presenters and journalists. The arena of broadcast personnel in Bangladesh is increasing with private media / broadcasting license being given for Television, Commercial FM Radio, Community Radio, Newspaper or other Electronic / Internet platforms. Our aim is to help the young professionals to enter the industry and build up their careers in this prestigious profession. BASIC COURSE INFORMATION : ------------------------------------------------ Eligibility : HSC and Above. Course Duration : 80 Hours (Class room & Out-door practical.) Course Fee : Tk 10,000 ( Ten Thousand Taka Only) Course Fees for English: 8,000 (Eight Thousand Taka only) Class Size : 15 - 20 Student Class Duration : 3 Hours Certificate : Course Completion Certificate.

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