Praasad Paradise Hotel & Resort

Praasad Paradise Hotel & Resort, located at Hotel Motel zone, Cox’s Bazar, is renowned for outstanding service cater to the top corporate and leisure travelers. Praasad Paradise is the closest beach hotel and resort in Cox’s Bazar. It is our great pleasure to introduce the “Praasad Paradise”, Hotel & Resorts at Cox’s Bazar in this picturesque citadel of tourism. “Praasad Paradise” can be an ideal place for those tourists who want to get rid of hustle and bustle of the city life. “Praasad Paradise” an international tourist hotel with all boutique amenities. No matter whether in a pleasure trip, even in a family, honeymoon or business; the member of this winning team are committed to serve your comfortable stay, friendly environment with absolute professionalism, expertise through. Praasad Paradise Hotel & Resort is a place where care and comfort of guests is the highest mission. Praasad Paradise experience enlivens the sense, instills well-being, and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of travelers and guests. Praasad Paradise Hotel & Resort is the closest beach hotel in Cox’s Bazar. So The Bay of Bengal is highly visible from hotel building and premise. The surrounding of the hotel is designed with mix of natural and nice architectural settings. This is intended to delight guests by the beauty of hotel. Praasad Paradise Hotel & Resort has a 7 storied tower building along-with 10 double-storied cottages with beautiful names like Baisakhi, Jaisthi, Srabani, Poushi, Falguni, Chaiti, Barsha, Sarathi, Haimanti, and Basanti have four bedrooms each and family space. Guests can stay taking the whole cottage or part likes one of its floors.

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