Platinum Weddings Bangladesh

At Platinum Weddings, we take pride in ourselves by providing personalized service, creating eternal memories, and furnish all the details of every aspect of your very special day. From small and intimate gatherings to large and flamboyant occasions, from designing to selection of venue, we can guide you through every step on the way. We listen intently to your requirements and consider each wedding to be as unique and special as you are. Platinum Weddings takes great delight in getting to know each of our clients on a personal level, and work solid to execute every wedding occasion to represent each client with a Platinum Status. We are fun loving people who are passionate about our work, and have full experience in innovative creativity to assist you making your special day remarkable. Our Services: * Invitations * Venue booking * Theme designs * Exterior designs * Interior designs * Gate designs * Stage design * Lights * Sound * DJ setup * Fireworks * Catering * Customized menu * Signature menu by platinum weddings * Photography * Customized photography service * Video * Projector * Professional dancer * Professional singer * Famous musician * Best DJ * Customized mixing album * Instruments * Orchestra * Band party * Gift wrapping * Ornaments * Makeup * Transportation * In-house shop * Logistics

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