Platinum Suites

Platinum Suites represent a new facet to the hospitality industry landscape in Dhaka. The concept of smart business travel is evolving rapidly and this hotel caters to the smart business travelers who crave a distinct and unique experience. Platinum Suites aim to offer both style and functionality to the well traveled guests who relish urban contemporary lifestyle and demands easy access to integrated technology and high connectivity. This hotel has been established in a convenient location with a view to offer best services to its valued clients. Platinum Suites, is placed in Banani, only ten kilometers from Shah Jalal International Airport. Exclusive hospitality, management and stunning design will always make you feel at home. This smart hotel venture is the newest enterprise of Sheltech, a pioneer in the real estate and housing industry in Bangladesh. In Platinum Suites, we tried to conjunct all the means and ways to ensure a perfect stay for our valued guests. So, relax and enjoy your trip to Bangladesh, and leave all your hospitality needs in our committed hands.

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