Pebble Stone Sea Resort & Restaurant

The Cox's Bazar district of Bangladesh is completely packed with the natural beauty. In Ukhia Upazilla of Cox's Bazar district ' Inani Sea Beach ' is located. It is about 25 km south of Cox's Bazar. A road, 'Marine Drive', runs in between the sea shore and hills, will lead you there. Such a road is very rare in the world, because the hills with well- spring stand on the one side and on the other lays the ocean. What a marvelous sight! The 'Koral Stone' bounded 'Inani Sea Beach' sometimes called 'Rocky Beach' is even spectacular. The blue water of the sea, lines of stones make the sight attractive to the tourists. The stone once dip into Water and again float out automatically. The Water stored in between stones accommodate small sea-fish, crabs, snail, and many more. These will keep the tourists busy for all day long.

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