Partex Group

Partex Group started its journey in 1959 with the torchbearer M.A Hashem, founder chairman of the group. M.A Hashem, the living legend steered the group with such incomparable dynamics and skills, that the group attained prolific growth over a period of 50 years conglomerating 60 companies; most of which are diverse manufacturing units. The enormous growth and fulfillment of anticipated success caused eventually a natural exodus from patrimonial management system while using the Partex as a springboard that has been held in high respect both at home and abroad for last 50 years for our adherence to values, quality products and business ethics. With the passage of time and advent of business, the pioneering spirit of Partex has been showcased by family generation comprising Mr. Aziz Al-Kaiser, Mr. Aziz Al-Mahmood, Mr. Aziz Al-Masud, Mr. Showkat Aziz Russell & Mr. Rubel Aziz. Significantly enough, Partex Star Group an offshoot of Partex Group steering business successfully with Mrs. Sultana Hashem at Chairperson and Mr Aziz Al Kaiser as Vice Chairman. Partex Group, steered by Mr Showkat Aziz Russell at the helm, operating in business sectors like communications and information technology, energy, materials, services and consumer products. The major Partex Group manufacturing units are Partex Denim, Amber Cotton Mills Limited, Partex Board Mills Limited, Partex Sugar Mills Limited, Partex Rotor Spinning Mills Limited, Partex Energy Limited and service providing companies are Partex Holdings Limited, Dhakacom Limited. The group has created by and large an employment opportunity of over 25,000 employees as collective work force.

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