
** After obtaining a certain number of orders, our shipment process will be stared. Customers will be informed when the shipment arrives. # Order Process: How to order your desired product ? * "COPY" the product link go to the message option of our page and send message to us including the information below: * Feel free to call for any query: +88 01675 46 45 54. # Payment: * Name: * Contact No: * Address: (Applicable for Home Delivery) * Delivery Place: # Pick Up Points: 1) Gulshan 1 DCC 2) Gulshan 2 DCC 3) Banani Super Market 4) Suvastu Najar Valley (North Badda) ** We also provide home delivery anywhere in BD for which u have to pay extra 50tk. *** You have to pay 50% advance on our Bkash Account. Remember no order will be confirmed without paying advance payment. Rest 50% shall be considered as Cash on Delivery. We assure you the highest quality but as all our products are imported our shipment may take 2 to 3 months to arrive. Your cooperation and trust will be highly appreciated.

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