Pan Pacific Sonargoan Hotel

Enjoy a 5 star luxury hotel experience in Bangladesh Be inspired by the vibrancy surrounding our exquisite 5 star accommodation in Bangladesh, Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka. Our luxurious retreat offers a calming respite from the hustle and bustle of downtown Dhaka, where contemporary comforts will refresh your senses. Rejuvenate with our state-of-the-art facilities and an outdoor pool set amidst lush greenery. Take in the local culture where fascinating sights and sounds abound within close proximity to the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka hotel. Our prestigious 5 star Dhaka hotel situated prominently in the centre of Bangladesh’s Diplomatic Zone and commercial district. Steeped in rich history yet poised for success, the hotel is close to historic sites and exciting shopping. Experience a modern oasis in a bustling city at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka.

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