Pakshi Resort

Pakshi Resort is an exclusive, private and river view resort lush with tropical plants by the side of mighty river padma of Bangladesh which cover 33 acres of land. The Pakshi Resort offers comfortable loading, romantic dining and family fun in an our amazing Indoor Wave Pool. We offer Hotel packages throughout the year and accommodate groups for function, meetings, reunions, etc. The resort can also assist in playing your special wedding in your open zoon. Pakshi is railway historical place and The famous Harding Bridge is walking distance from Pakshi Resort. Once upon a time Pakshi was the main point of communicating with Kolkata through the river Padma. Pakshi has its own natural beauty and proud of railway division, automatic energy center, Sugar can research institute, Dal Research institute, Ishurdi EPZ, Pakshi paper mill, Ishurdi Railway Jongshon, Airport, Lalon shah bridge and seasonal fruits like lichi. The pakshi Resort is within only 3 hour drive from Dhaka and only 1 hour drive from Jamuna Bridge. Escape with this monotomus life with its entire family and we are sure that you would never want to be back from the resort. Pakshi, 6622 Pabna, Dhaka, Bangladesh Resort Office Sport: Khan Monzil, Pakshi, Ishurdi, Pabna Tel: 0732 663 660, Cell: 01730706258,

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