Pack & Shift ( Mohakhali)

Although a lot of signboard based shifting companies emerged after us following our footsteps, a few of them mention our name - Pack & Shift – with due respect. Apart from our own manpower more than 100 unemployed people have been provided with jobs. Our success lives here. During the last 12 years of service we had helped shifting house /office of numerous people, starting from former Honorable President to ambassadors, secretaries, professors, doctors, journalists, army officials, industrialists, businessmen, media celebrities and many other prominent persons & many foreigners. By the time, Pack & Shift has become a household name all over the country especially in the capital. Since the kick-off till now unwilling occurrences of mistake might had happened while providing service to clients; we are greatly indebted to them who had taken our unwilling mistakes with mercy. Many have congratulated us for our off-track business. Needless to say, coupled with invaluable advices which have enabled us to march forward. All these are the root of our continuing effort. By the grace of Almighty Allah, honesty, labor, passionate courage, heart and soul effort to keep words, faith of clients and respect to all have been the source of inspiration during our decade of advancement. We promise to continue our integrity and honesty in service providing in future also.

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