One Bank Ltd.(Moghbazar Branch)

ONE Bank Limited was incorporated in May, 1999 With the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies under the Companies Act. 1994, as a commercial bank in the private sector. The Bank is pledge-bound to serve the customers and the community with utmost dedication. The prime focus is on efficiency, transparency, precision and motivation with the spirit and conviction to excel as ONE Bank in both value and image. The name 'ONE Bank' is derived from the insight and long nourished feelings of the promoters to reach out to the people of all walks of life and progress together towards prosperity in a spirit of oneness. THIRD GENERATION PRIVATE COMMERCIAL BANK OBL is a private sector commercial bank dedicated in the business line of taking deposit from public through its various saving schemes and lending the fund in different sectors at a margin. Proper risk assessment and compliance is meticulously followed in selection of asset and liability portfolio. The banks financing cocentrate in both working capital and long term financing. In the industrial sector, the major concentration of the bank is on the textile and RMG sector. With the increase exposure to RMG, bank has increased its non-funded business substantiallly. Bank has taken initiative to increase exposure in SME for broadening the access of small entrepreneurs to bank credit. With state of art technology, OBL has real time on-line banking facility and has launched Visa debit and credit card, ATM facility, E-Banking, Mobile banking etc. A full-fledged Disaster Recovery (DR) centre has been established in sirajgonj to ensure business continuity of the bank. OBL has introduced Centralized Loan Administration and Trade Processing centre at Dhaka and in the process of introducing the system in Chittagong zone.

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