OK Mobile Showroom (Bashundhara City)

OK a two letter word, decode a positive response. Across the world, irrespective of cultural differences, most English knowing people use this word to express their affirmative communication. The word is very simple to pronounce but it creates a big impact on whoever receives the massage. So the word has immense inherent power of expression. Every endeavor starts with a dream. A visionary person, Mr. Kazi Zashimul Islam, President of OK Mobile Global drew a mission to have “Made in Bangladesh” mobile handset four years from today. Though Mr. Islam owns the global right to do mobile handset business across the world under the title “OK Mobile ”, he offloaded his all shares to the local sponsors to own and run Bangladesh operation. He is not only transferred the shares but also transmitted the dream to the local sponsors. OK Mobile Limited, a Joint venture between OK Mobile Global Inc. USA and Shanta group and Indigo BD group. - Ok Mobile is engaged in marketing of Mobile telephony devices and accessories in Bangladesh. - On 17th July 2014, OK Mobile launched its operation with a mega event.

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