O Kitchen

Right alongside Holey Artisan Bakery, our Open Kitchen Restaurant is set in a little Oasis in dhaka, sure to Overjoy you. O Kitchen is the brain child of the founders of Holey Artisan Bakery, along with the help of few good friends and families Sadat & Porag brought in 2 Argentinian chefs with extensive experience in Spanish/Latin cuisine of Barcelona and Madrid. We use the freshest ingredients, make our own mozzarella, pasta and also in the process of growing our own herbs and vegetables. We are passionate about our food. * Takes Reservations, Take Out, Waiter Service and Outdoor Seating * American (New), Breakfast, Brunch, Burgers, French, Italian, Pizza, Sandwiches, Spanish/Basque and Tapas Bars * Visa, Mastercard and Cash

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