NRB Commercial Bank Limited (Motijheel Branch)

It was the long & cherished desire of Bangladeshi expatriates in different countries of the world to establish a new bank for economic development of the motherland through their hard earned foreign currency. Demand for new Bank by the NRBs anticipating more flow of inward foreign remittance and scope of investment by other investors of different countries is an acceptable ground for consideration. Many NRBs of developed countries have well education and professional expertise in different fields who are potential resources for our country. NRB sponsors shall not only bring huge investable fund but also “state of the art technology” for building up a world standard Bank tailored towards meeting local developmental needs of the country. Flow of inward foreign remittance shall not be increased only by pushing our manpower outside the country unless they are made fit & skilled to compete their peer group of other countries, a bank alike NRB may play a vital role in achieving the desired goal. Besides, in the prevailing situation of Banking operation in Bangladesh it is highly expected that the new bank shall be able to compete the other banks adopting new concepts of Risk Management and building up good Assets and Health of the organization. We believe in consideration of the above issues application for the desired bank was invited by Bangladesh Bank and LOI was issued in favour of eligible entrepreneurs.

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