North South University

North South University (NSU), the first private university in Bangladesh, was established by NSU Foundation - a charitable, non-profit, non-commercial, non-governmental and non-political organization, comprising a group of eminent industrialists, prominent patrons of education, well-read academics, high up civil servants and notable philanthropists of the country. They dreamt a dream in the early 1990s to set up a world class university as a center of excellence in higher education in this region. Their dedication, tireless efforts and hard work paved the way for approval leading to the establishment of NSU through the NSU Foundation. The government approved the establishment of NSU in 1992 under the Private University Act (PUA)-1992 (now replaced by PUA-2010). The NSU was formally inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of Bangladesh on 10 of February 1993. The Foundation, later, in the light of the PUA 2010 and as instructed by the Ministry of Education and the University Grants Commission, formed the NSU Trust in 2012 and vested the entire management and administration of NSU in its Board of Trustees. The honorable President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh His Excellency Md. Abdul Hamid is the Chancellor of NSU.

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