Nogordola (Bashundhara City Outlet)

Bangladesh historically inherits a great culture and tradition that includes crafts in daily life and livelihood. The rural-based infrastructure has made it a potential ground for the development of numerous items. The items produced by early craftsmen are not only singularly beautiful but also the representative of the country identity, art, heritage, tradition and customs of the country. With the passage of time, new modern styles and designs have been adapted and this has paved the way for a unique blend of the old and the new. Dhaka Ahsania Mission being a reputed NGO in social and human capital development realized the present needs of rural artisans and buyers interest that includes high society and visitors from abroad. Another tendency that has been observed is to show interest about western styles and designs and adapt the same in life styles which are challenging in promotion of handicrafts and handloom sector of our country as well as conservation of traditional art, heritage and cultural identity Bangladesh . To address those issues Dhaka Ahsania Mission has been established “Nogordola” for our heritage and cultural promotion, sustainability of handicraft and artisans in line with modern style and technology.

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