Nightingale Medical College & Hospital

Welcome to the Campus of Nightingale Medical College & Hospital, a unique addition to the number of private medical colleges and hospitals engaged in teaching medical science as well as offering the highest standard of treatment facilities & nursing accross a wide range of specialties. The institution is located in the calm, quiet, pellucid and pleasantly beautiful environment of Ashulia, Dhaka in the vicinity of Fantasy Kingdom & only 30 minutes drive from Hazrat Shahjalal (R) Airport, Dhaka. Covering an area of 10 bighas of land the college has one of the biggest campuses among the private medical colleges in greater Dhaka. Founded in the academic year 2005-06, the college acquired recognition & approval of the Govt. of Bangladesh & won affiliation of Dhaka University in the same year. The college & hospital buildings in the campus have been built in a very beautiful and high standard architectural design. Beside the academic block and hospital building (both four-storied) there are two large beautiful & stylish hostels, one for boys and another for girls with separate playgrounds, common room and practical room. The academic affairs of Nightingale Medical College are guided by the rules and regulations of Dhaka University. Compared to many other private medical colleges, a student can learn Medical Science at Nightingale at a comparatively lower cost & expenses. For those students who desire to get their medical education from a good institution under the guidance & control of Dhaka University and become a Doctor to commit themselves to the services of the country and its people, for them Nightingale Medical College is the ideal institution in respect of self-sufficiency and excellence.

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