
ONLINE SPORTSBOOK Our online Sportsbook allows players to wager on hundreds of events worldwide. All major sports are available for wagering, such as Basketball, Football, Baseball, Cricket, Hockey, Soccer, Rugby, Tennis, Racing, Golf, Boxing, and many more. We also provide an option for wagering on non-sports related events, such as reality TV shows, political elections, other athletic events, and many more. SYSTEM FEATURES: mmmmm Capable of handling thousands of wagers in seconds Live sports news feeds and scores Real-time sports odds feed Monitor player wagering patterns in detail Instant and automated wager grading Complete compatibility with call center operation CAPABILITIES Our system is capable of either handling the wager lines automatically (by using a system based on pre-determined wagering characteristics and conditions) or allowing the operator to manually adjust the wager lines. We also provide the resources other wagering options including straight wagers, halftime wagers, futures, money lines, totals, propositions, parlays, teasers, and more. Grading and Roll-back Automatic, manual and forced event grading Custom grading and funds distribution routines for all wager types and options Rollback events and re-announce winners Alarms on unsettled and finished events Password Security Define password expiration interval for operator and player accounts Password and username strength detection Restrict use of same password after expiration Other Multi Level Player profiling Operator accounts with access rights Directory of all leagues, teams and players Odds management Juice settings Messaging Alarms and notifications

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