New Madina Cycle Store

G.S IMPEX is an enterprise of New Madina Cycle Store; we also use it as our brand name. We're all about the freedom and empowerment of the bicycle. We have been in bicycle business since 1974. We still have the same founding owners. We're still populated by a staff of keen, active, impassioned cyclists. We're not big, nor are we that small. Just a dedicated group of making bicycles for people who love bikes-no matter if that love is new or long established. Reputations are earned through hard work, dedication and attention to detail and as our business has grown our customers have come to appreciate and depend upon the consistent combination of quality, price, and service that we offer. So we enter every with the goal of effectively managing our growth to meet the rapidly increasing demand for our products while remaining totally committed to the fundamental principles that have led to our success thus far - offering the highest quality and most innovative bicycles at the most competitive prices and with the most attentive and dependable customer service.

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