National Institute of ENT in Dhaka

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is setting up a specialised 100 bed National Institute of the ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) hospital at a cost of Tk620m in the capital’s Tejgaon area. The ENT Institute established at Tejgaon in Dhaka opened for public on 19th June,2013 after its inauguration by the prime minister, Sheikh Hasina. Both Outdoor & Indoor services have already started . To run the institute, 49 doctors, 60 nurses and other officials already been appointed. There are seven high-tech and well equipped operation theaters in the hospital. Earlier, during the caretaker government regime, the Health and Family Welfare Ministry formed a National Committee for Prevention of Deafness headed by the then Health Adviser Shawkat Ali. The committee met and took the decision to establish a National Institute of ENT to curtail the number of 90% deaf patients by 2030. It is one of the privilege projects under health ministry. The institute will be 12 storied. Though it is a 250-bed hospital, but at present it began service with 100 beds. Gradually it will be transformed to 250-bed hospital.”

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