Nasir Group Of Industries

Our products are made with best available raw materials procured from around the world using the best available machinery leaving no scope of doubt. Our products are endowed with excellent finishes, sturdy, easy to handle and eye – catching with most attractive designs. The on-trial industry will not only serve our dining tables but will also add to the decor of our houses by providing the energy saving compact and non-compact fluorescent lamps. Most of our industries are import substitute industry with high export to India, Thailand, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri-Lanka, some European countries, USA etc. We provide not only direct employment of about 1000 people but indirect employment of many folds over. The backward and forward linkage industries arising out of our production lines add substantial economic benefits to the nation and further more employment. We are focused on creating a strong and sound future for accelerated growth benefiting all. Nasir Group shall continue to act in the best interests of its customers, employees, shareholders and of course, Bangladesh.

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