Naseem Plastic Industries Limited

It was in 1949 that Naseem Plastic Industries was established by Mr. Irshad Ali Khan as Proprietor in the then capital of East Pakistan, Dacca (now Dhaka). Initial products were plastic flowers & small plastic containers of various colors. Established in Nawabpur, main business & resident hub of the capital of that time, only a few manual molding units were setup. To start with only 5 personnel and its Founder marketed self and assisted these personnel physically to assure stable /quality output as well as on-time delivery. It was the sole perseverance & struggle of Mr. Irshad Ali Khan in flourishing the tiny unit up to a giant team. In 1952, the small production house got license (authorized by govt. to operate business) & first thing was to clear all arrear taxes. Bank loans were granted as well as foreign businessmen were taken into confidence. An auto-injection and few manual injection machines were added to the existing fleet. More personnel were hired but they belonged to close associate or relative level just to ensure long-term commitment. That was how we chose to flourish and step by step success followed. Few were brought from across borders. The company's journey was right on target. Flourished for 14 long years. Competition built-up but Naseem continued to be the leader. Many lows & highs came, but nothing could deter him from pursuing business ethics that were marked with quality, on-time delivery and meeting clientele demand. It was in 1965 Indo-Pak war on Kashmir that started affecting whole economy. Business dropped drastically. Country faced severe Law & Order crisis. This caused the small and only working unit's closure. Towards end-'66, small scale production began but faced crisis (this time a bigger one) during our Great War of Liberation. In 1972, dust began to settle but unfortunate assassination of the leader and that continued the unrest. In 1978, through hard works & relentless support of all personnel, full production resumed. It seemed business was on rise and sensing a bigger market share, a show room was essential as Naseem went for product diversification. Client's Expectation also increased gradually. They were happy as now they would not need to go to that Nawabpur road a now hustle & bustle area of Dhaka. The new show-room was inaugurated at North South Road (though adjacent to Nawabpur road but still a cool & clean road). Developed by the then President H. M. Ershad.

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