Nando's (Dhanmondi)

Nando's is a South African International Chain Restaurant brought to Bangladesh by MGH Group. The franchise was brought to Bangladesh by MGH in 2007, when the first Nando's was launched in Dhanmondi 27 and it still remains a piece of art and décor. Nando's is spreading like wildfire around the world and currently has over 1000 restaurants in over 30 countries. The food is also very healthy because cooking oil is not used in the grilling of the chicken, instead the natural Peri Peri sauce is used. Each and every chicken is stripped of excess fat in three stages that are maintained rigorously. There are currently four Nando's Flame Grilled Peri Peri Restaurants in Bangladesh, one in Dhanmondi 27 and others in Gulshan 1, Gulshan 2 and Banani 11. Please see the address section for their location. Nando's founded the unique taste of Flame Grilled Peri Peri Chicken and introduced it to the world. Peri Peri is a Portuguese chilli and the sauce from this chilli is used to cook to chicken instead of cooking oil which makes the food healthy. Our secret Peri Peri Sauce is natural and is a mixture of Vinegar, Peri Peri chilli, herbs, and spices in secret proportion. * Takes Reservations, Good For Groups, Take Out, Delivery and Waiter Service * Lunch, Dinner and Drinks * Visa, American Express and Mastercard Hotline-01755-540604

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