Nandan Park(Head Office)

Nandan park was inaugurated on 3rd October -2003. Nandan Park is now country’s largest and only family Amusement Park, which is attracting largest crowd every day. Most of the rides and amusements are for the first time in Bangladesh like 5D Cinema Theater, Cable Car, Water Coaster, Tilt-A-Whirl, Ice-Land, Musical Dancing Fountain, Wave pool and so on. This park is specially designed for wholesome family day out amusement and the rides have been carefully chosen so that everybody of the family can take the ride without being scared. Nandan Water Park – “Water World” was inaugurated on May-2004. Water Park consists of 08 rides and attractions: Wave Pool, Wave Runner, Ladies & Gents Curve Slides, Kids Pool, Multi Play Zone, Rain Dance, and Waterfall & Mist. At present the park has 28 major attractions. The park is spread over 100 Bighas of land and there are plenty of greenery to spend the time in an Eco-friendly and refreshing ambiance. Ticket Price from Main Gate Ticket Counter: 1. Entry + Two Rides (Paddle Boat & Fun Game) - Tk. 240 2. Standard Package Ticket Entry + 10 Rides of Dry Park Package Ticket- Tk. 320 Cable Car, Water Coaster, Paddle Boat, Moon Racer, Tilt-A-Whirl, Cater Pillar, Net-O-Ball, Fun Game, Zip Slide, Rock Climbing. (Excluding Ice Land, Soft Ball Cannon, Bumper Car, 5D Cinema Theater & Kids Dream World) 3. Water World Package Ticket Entry + Water World All Rides - Tk. 470 4. Super Saver Package Ticket Entry + Water world + 10 Rides of Dry Park - Tk. 520 (10 + 8 Rides) (Excluding Ice Land, Soft Ball Cannon, Bumper Car, 5D Cinema Theater & Kids Dream World) 5. Whole Park Package Ticket Entry + All Rides of Dry Park + Water world all rides - Tk. 620 (14 + 8 Rides) Excluding Kids Dream World (Cave Train, Flying Go Round, Mini Carousal & Kiddy Rocker) only for children up to 120CM. 6. Family Package Ticket For 4 (Four) Person - Tk. 3000 Entry + Water world all rides + All Rides of Dry Park + Lunch Packet with Mineral Water 500ML Excluding Kids Dream World (Cave Train, Flying Go Round, Mini Carousal & Kiddy Rocker) only for children up to 120CM. 7. Kids Rides Package Ticket: Tk-110 per persons only for Children up to 120CM (Cave Train, Flying Go Round, Mini Carousal & Kiddy Rocker) * Car Parking Free (Motor Cycle, Private Car, Micro bus): - Tk.50/- * Water World Locker Rental Fee: - Tk.100/- (Maximum 03 hours, Deposit Amount Tk-150/-) Rides Ticket Prices: From Inside the Park * Dry Rides Package (10 Dry Rides) = Tk. 230 (Excluding Ice Land, Soft Ball Cannon, Bumper Car, 5D Cinema Theater & Kids Dream World) * Water World Ride Package = Tk. 400 (No dry rides are included) Musical Dancing Fountain Show at Evening is FREE for the visitors. Individual Rides Ticket Price: RIDES NAME PRICE TILT-A-WHIRL TK. 20 CABLE CAR TK. 50 ICELAND TK. 40 WATER COASTER TK. 50 MOON RAKER TK. 35 NET-A-BALL TK. 20 SOFTBALL CANNON TK. 20 CATERPILLAR TK. 20 PADDLE BOAT TK. 20 5D CINEMA THEATER TK. 100 FUN GAMES TK. 20 RAPPELLING TK. 30 ROCK CLIMBING TK. 30 ZIP SLIDE TK. 30 BUMPER CAR TK. 60 CAVE TRAIN TK. 40 FLYING GO ROUND TK. 30 KIDDY ROCKER TK. 20 MINI CAROUSAL TK. 20

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