Nana Restaurant

Nana restaurant is offering some excellent oriental cuisines to satisfy your palate. Nana is presenting you 167 items including splendid Mogul and Chinese cuisines. Nana has a separate zone for the Chinese cuisines, which will give you a remarkable euphoria to have delights from the Chinese foods. Nana also includes the traditional Bengali and the Mogul cuisines as Nana is located in the old Dhaka, which has been conveying the vestiges of the old Bengali and Mogul histories from time immemorial. Nana also offers you a convention center, where you could arrange marriage ceremony, birthday party, seminar, conference and so forth and order lunch and dinner from Nana’s exquisite menus. In Nana’s veranda you could enjoy different items of traditional Kebabs. Finally if you come to Ahsan Manjil, the manor house of the last feudal lord of Bangladesh, and if you want to visit the only Brahmo Samaj temple of Dhaka, just spend a few moments in Nana. We will make your tour in the old Dhaka much more enchanting.

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