Nainas Beauty Salon & Fitness Center

Nainas is a fun, welcoming place for ladies that is conveniently located in Uttara sector 4 dhaka to have all of your beauty needs met. We offer all haircare services including cutting, color, highlights, perms, straightners, conditioning treatments, formal upstyling, and bridal styling. Also we offer manicures, pedicures, nail enhancements, facials , massage, body treatments, body waxing and more. Naina’s focus is on beauty as well as fitness, and it is for women exclusively. We offer complete beauty services that will give you a new look and a renewed spirit.. You'll love our comfortable environment, we've created a relaxing and mellow environment just for you our customers. With over 10 Stylist on premises, take your mind off the stresses of life and treat yourself to a pleasant and calming experience. Pamper your body with a choice of relaxing massages, facials, a steam shower or body treatments. Enhance your appearance with custom hair styling, deluxe manicures, pedicures, waxing or cosmetic applications. Our professionally trained staffs are friendly and supportive. Our mission is to make your visit here a pleasant and memorable experience. Together we can achieve excellence by allowing your own natural beauty to shine through. Ladies from all corners of Dhaka will flock to the beauty salon for the pampering and high level of care they know they will receive. Customers are confident that they can count on discretion and a professional service. They know they will leave the salon feeling and looking their

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