Nabila Boutiques Ltd.(Gulshan Branch)

Located in the heart of Dhaka's two posh shopping and residential areas, Nabila Boutiques Ltd. delivers spirited style and luxury for all occasions. Attracted by the rich colours, luxurious fabrics, and the couture quality craftsmanship of each garment, Nabila Boutiques Ltd. is a destination of shoppers nationwide. The boutique not only houses the designer's eponymous day and eveningwear collection, including traditional Salwar Kameez, Sari and Lehanga, but also her new bridal and mens' traditional clothing lines. From beautifully finished hand embroidered Punjabi suits to breathtaking party Saris in a myriad of colours, Nabila always reflects a uniquely alluring yet understated style. While the world watches with baited breath to see if the skirt length will go up or down, what colour will be in, irrespective of whether it is desirable. We still continue to bring you styles and designs in a classy fabric, hand embroidered with natural bright earth colours that first came upon this land of love some millennia ago. Open seven days a week and equipped with a staff of highly experienced professionals, Nabila is clearly the culmination of the designer's wish to incorporate her unique brand of luxury into every aspect of everyone's life, from the casual to the extremely formal. Women: Salwar Kameez, Sari, Lehanga, Bridal Collection, Jewellery, Cosmetics. Men: Casual and Formal wear, Kurta set, Pubjabi, Sherwani. Kids: All sorts of children wear from 3 months to 15 years.

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