Moka Cafe & Bistro

MOKA Café & Bistro, a full fledged restaurant includes flavors found wandering the European world, from coffee to exclusive European cuisine to desserts. MOKA Café & Bistro is an European and continental restaurant with a broad all day offer of classic continental snacks, dishes, desserts and beverages. MOKA Café & Bistro is situated in Banani, restaurant hub of the town, holds a great view from the luminous café. An ideal place to have a close conversation with friends & family, hold an informal business meeting or have some time for yourself. Call it brunch, lunch or dinner; MOKA Café & Bistro is the place to enjoy for all. It is an all day café where large choice of salads, sandwiches, pasta, steak, sea food, BBQ, baked and grilled foods are served with wide arrays of desserts made by our very own pâtissier. A huge choice of cold beverages is served along with flavored tea and coffee. Experience the perfectly brewed coffee and exclusive continental cuisine with cozy environment, impeccable service and products of the finest quality. Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks Visa, Mastercard and Cash Hotline-01788-800301,01788-800303,01713-440654,02-9895862

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