Modhumoti Bank ATM Booth Motijheel

Modhumoti Bank Limited, a fourth generation private commercial bank commenced operations on September 19, 2013 with a view to contribute in all segments of the economy. We serve our clients with highest level of integrity, transparency and quality, hence we call it Your Access to Success! Our vision is to lead the new generation of local commercial banks by excelling in customer delivery through insight, empower employees, smart use of technology and a full range of highest quality products and services. In order to achieve this, we put high emphasize on effectively meeting compliance of all regulatory requirements to ensure adequate transparency on banking activities and also to set the highest ethical standards of professionalism for protecting the best interest of all our stakeholders. While forming this bank, we focused on developing something unique for the society. It means we will not only strive towards creating a stable financial institution with quality products, but also the Bank itself will become an integral part of the community, helping others make positive changes and improve the life of people around us. From very beginning, Modhumoti Bank Limited engaged in Agent Banking activities with a objective to bring the huge unbanked population of the country in the banking domain. We want to provide the highest level of services that you deserve with a smile and a friendly attitude. Thus, we welcome any propositions, ideas or advice from you regarding the improvement of our service quality, which we would implement into practice with the best of our abilities. Modhumoti Bank Limited DCCI building 2nd, 3rd & 4th Floor,65-66,Motijheel C/A,Dhaka-1000 Phone : +8802 9583808,+8802 9583809 Fax : +8802 9583803,+8802 47119350 Swift Code: MODHBDDH E-mail :,

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