Mirpur Polytechnic Institute

Automobile engineers focused on design and construction of new facilities, such as buildings, bridges and highways, water treatment and environmental facilities, foundations and tunnels. Today's Automobile engineer not only has to design new facilities but must also analyze the effects of deterioration on infrastructure elements, consider system interdependencies and evaluate life-cycle impacts while also considering environmental and economic sustainability within the context of society. Civil engineers must be equipped with in-depth knowledge of traditional, fundamental principals and new technologies in order to address the complex, interdisciplinary problems faced within society. The undergraduate program at CUA gives the students the necessary background to success within this new context and to become the future leaders of the profession. The Catholic University of America is student-oriented and multi-faceted research University. The Department of Civil Engineering is a select group of students and faculty who are dedicated to work together to build a sustainable future through the development of our civil infrastructure and the betterment of our global environment. We have a faculty who are dedicated to excellence in undergraduate teaching and are at the forefront of engineering research. Being in the Nation's capital, we have, also in our faculty, a group of world-class professional experts in engineering, law, business, who bring practice into the classroom.

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