Microsoft / Nokia Showroom (Sonargaon Road)

This article is about the mobile phone manufacturer that was once Nokia. It is not to be confused with Microsoft mobile services, Microsoft Office Mobile, or Windows Mobile. Microsoft Mobile is a multinational mobile phone and mobile computing device manufacturing company headquartered in Espoo, Finland, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft. It is a legal body that oversees and legally represents the activities in the design, development, manufacture and distribution of mobile phones, smartphones, tablet computers, related accessories and services. Microsoft Mobile was established following the acquisition of Nokia's Devices and Services division by Microsoft, which was completed in April 2014. Microsoft Mobile got the right to sell mobile phones under the Nokia brand name as part of a 10-year licensing agreement, as long as those phones are based on the S30+ platform which comprises feature phones. Future "Lumia" smartphones fell out of this license and couldn't be released bearing the Nokia brand. In October 2014, it was announced that future Lumia devices would carry the Microsoft name and logo instead of "Nokia". Microsoft Mobile is one of Microsoft's various hardware divisions, others include Surface, Band, HoloLens and Xbox.

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