Mi Flagship Store

Company Overview Xiaomi is a mobile internet company dedicated to creating an all aspect user experience. Founded in 2010, the company has fast become one of the leading tech firms in China. The company is currently valuated at over 10 billion USD and has over 3000 employees. Our Culture “Just for fans” is the slogan of Xiaomi as every step of the way is led by our hardcore fans. Amongst our staff, many were initially a fan of Xiaomi products before they decided to join us. Not only do we have a passionate team but we all have the same attitude: relentless pursuit of perfection. So, we constantly refine and enhance what makes the best user experience possible. We are also a team that is fearless when it comes to trying out new concepts that break tradition and push boundaries. It is with this mentality and dedication, combined with the support of Xiaomi fans that has made Xiaomi products so unique. Products Redmi Note 5A Prime Mi A1 Redmi Note 4 (SD) Redmi 4A Redmi 4X Redmi Note 4 (MTK) Mi MIX Redmi 4 Prime Redmi 3 Pro Edition Mi 5 Mi Max Redmi 3S

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