Melange Coffee & Conversation

Mélange is an exclusive multi cuisine restaurant which brings to you a unique experience. An experience which you will need to come and feel. Mélange is an exclusive multi cuisine restaurant which brings to you a unique experience and ambience. We know that there is no substitute for the atmosphere and service of a restaurant. So keeping this as a top most priority, we ensure that our guests not only enjoy their food but feel comfortable at the same time. The ambiance of the restaurant is of the utmost importance for a great dining experience so we can ensure that our guests have a unique setting in which they can enjoy their meals. One of the things that gives Mélange its distinctive dining philosophy is: “It’s not how much, but how well.” No matter how good a restaurant is, it has to change with time; guests will want to have an anchor. They want to feel comfortable where they are. These are the things which Mélange has kept in mind while setting it up. Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to discover, so please come and discover Mélange. We can assure you will not regret. Mélange, meaning mixture or blend, yes, indeed, this is a blend of exotic food, quality service and unique atmosphere. Cuisine- Afghani, Asian Fusion, Barbeque, Burgers, Chinese, French, Indian/Pakistani, Italian, Sandwiches, Seafood and Thai.

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