Meghna Group Of Industries (Uttara Office)

Meghna Group of Industries (MGI) is one of the biggest & leading conglomerates of Bangladesh. With a turnover of USD 2 billion & asset of USD 1 billion, MGI is currently operating in 32 companies, 30 Industries with more than 15000 employees, 3000 distributors & 1000 suppliers under its umbrella. The history of Meghna Group of Industries dates back to 1976 when its predecessor Kamal Trading Company was born. The groups humble debut occurred with the inception of Meghna Vegetable Oil Industries Ltd in 1989 on a small chunk of land at Meghnaghat in Narayanganj. Now, the group is running 30 Industrial units on over 350 acres of land. Meghna Group of Industries has been marketing various Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Cement, Commodities, Chemical, Seed Crushing, Fish and Poultry feed, Power Plant, other bulk and industrial products under the brand name of ‘Fresh', ‘No.1' and ‘Pure'. Moreover, the group has Ship Building Dockyard, Shipping, Securities, General Insurance, Media, Aviation and many other businesses. The Group has more than 35 years of national & global experience. In Bangladesh one in every three households use MGI brands and products. MGI has started to spread its footprints outside Bangladesh, especially in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Europe, North and South America through exporting its various products. MGI has been very aggressive in its expansion plan & emerged as the largest investor in industrial development of Bangladesh for three consecutive years.1 Meghna Group's ambitious business expansion is designed and driven by a visionary yet very humble person Mr. Mostafa Kamal. Mr. Mostafa Kamal is not only a far sighted entrepreneur but also known for his patriotism, contribution towards development of industrial, health, education, sports, social welfare and various other sectors. His philanthropy, honesty, sincerity and dedication fetched the group to today's lofty achievements. Meghna Group has already invested USD 1 Billion for setting up new lines of business and great expansion programs such as chemical complex, power, salt, seed crushing, cement and media. Meghna Group has contributed almost 75 million US Dollars as Tax to the state exchequers in Fiscal year 2012-2013. This is undoubtedly a glaring example of passionate initiative and a pioneering leadership role by a private sector investor in country's economic and industrial development.

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