Medical College for Women & Hospital

The concept of a Medical College exclusively for women is not a new one, particularly in our socio-cultural background. There are exemples of such medical colleges in neighboring countries. There is already an awareness in the society for the enhancement of technical education in the female population the Bangladesh Government has already taken positive steps in the field of teachers training in education sector. At present the female quota of admission in medical colleges is far too low and as such many a talented girls could not be admitted in this noble profession. Moreover ther are conservative families who want to educate their children in an atmosphere like this. There will also be a training center for nurses & paramedics in this complex, so that a good number of students will be trained in nursing and other specialties who will fill the demands of nurses and other specialties in the government or non-government hospitals and foreign countries. This Medical College & Hospital has alredy created a job opportunity for about 300 doctors, 100 nurses, paramedics and other technical and non-technical plersons directly. It will thus hellp to develop the National Economy (GDP). The proposed hospital, of this Medical College will ultimately cater for 500 beds with all specialties like Intensive Care Unit, Coronary Care Unit, Kidney Unit, Neuro-surgical Unit etc. The Hospital will provide the laboratory facilities and the immunization facilities to the society. It will add to a demand in the Health Services to the people and will also save foreign travels and foreign exchange in near future. This whole project is a non-profit voluntary social work & self income generating. The source of income is from trustee fund and later on voluntary donations, students tuition fees and development charges, patients payments for hospital treatment, NGOs and from any other legal sources when offered.

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