Lounge Comida

This is a restaurant in Gulshan area where everyone can enjoy all day fine dining with free internet service. Best steaks ; giant burgers & sandwiches . This is a lounge and restaurant for people of all ages. Here Internet browsing is free and plenty of spaces to move around and gossip, do official meetings etc. We offer wide range of snacks and soft drinks. The ambiance of the lounge is enriched with soft music. Lounge Comida offers variety of beef steaks with delicious side dishes from November 2013. We have secured space for car parking for all. * Takes Reservations, Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Take Out, Delivery, Catering and Waiter Service * American (New), American (Traditional), Breakfast, Cajun/Creole, Chinese, German, Indian/Pakistani, Sandwiches, Seafood, Spanish/Basque, Steakhouses and Thai * Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks * Visa and Cash

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