Lobster Thai & Chinese Restaurant

We always use fresh spices, oil and other required ingredients to prepare better food. Our kitchen environment is fully clean and hygienic. Our hall room staffs, specially waiters are always in competition for their best service to our valued guests because they can earn extra incentive bonus from Lobster authority by earning better comments from our guests. We serve refreshment towel before serve the food to our guests as they feel fresh to start to have their food. Lobster is fully air conditioned with standby generator. Lobster is 3 storied with modern eye- catching decoration in duplex system. We have wide space to place the sit to have dinner or lunch in our wide 3 storied restaurant and party center. We have kids zone corner for your children as they amuse and under ground aquarium as they feel happy and enjoy at least for a while when you are at ourLobster Restaurant and party centre. And other more specialty you can observe when you visit us.

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