Lions Eye Hospital

General Information of Lions Eye Hospital Lions Eye Institute & Hospital, Dhaka is the most pride project of Bangladesh Lions Foundation Lions Eye Hospital situated in Begum Rokeya Sarani, Agargaon, Dhaka, was established on 6th May 1976 with the approval from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. Gradually the activities of the hospital were increased manifolds and it was later upgraded into an Eye Institute on 8th August 2004 & was named as Lions Eye Institute & Hospital. The hospital is situated on its own land where a 5 storied building is constituted with total 6000 sft floor space. The Administrative office is in the 1st floor. Status of the hospital is Private. With the Missions to Provide quality eye care service at the lowest affordable cost. Develop Ophthalmic Manpower (Institute). Develop a Centre of Excellence in eye care & treatment.

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