LBS Thai Spa

The LBS Thai Spa welcomes guests to luxurious surrounding, lavish amenities and impeccable personal service. Join us to experience the ultimate in relaxation and rejuvenation at lbs thai spa. LBS Tha Spa is all about a journey of the senses, ensuring your experience re-balances the mind and body. In a world of technology and fast pace, take a moment for you, slowdown; take a deep breath... take time for your self. We know everyone is different; our lifestyle consultation is an important element to the service we offer; Our first goal is to understand your needs and then we aim to fulfill those needs & exceed your expectations. LBS Thai Spa provide "various convenient to indulge in" relaxation therapies, starting from your feet up to your mind, in a luxurious & pampering thai ambiance. We believe that a trip to spa for a moment of sheer indulgence and a strand of tranquility needn't be complicated nor expensive; it is to be an enjoyable moment in a well-balanced life. Delightfully indulgent and unique therapies are influenced by the authentic natural healing, rejuvenation & traditional of Thailand and delivered by an experienced team of professionally trained and certified masseurs. Relax back and let us take you on a journey, you choose the treatment which most appeals to you and we will bespoke it, you are in expert hands. Enjoy.

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