Lazz Pharma Ltd.(Pallabi)

As-salam-alikum. You are welcome to the beautiful world of Lazz Pharma. We thank to The Almighty Allah to give us opportunity to provide service to the people's healthcare. In medicine business we are able to make a capable way for the blessing of our customer. In 1972 for a special purpose we started our medicine business with a different type of name “Lazz Pharma”. Then many people asked why we took the name “Pharma”? We said that, we want make a change, we want to give something new to our country and our nation. So we choose these different type of name. After that we introduce new steps of medicine business, by taking long time we came to the top position now. Capable to build up a trusted relation with our customers. Passing 30 years we are able to build up a legend. In 1995 probably there was not a single drugstore named Pharma. Now the whole country is covered by the name Pharma. This is may proud for us but we saw that there are a number of shops who named their shop by copying us like ‘Loz Pharma', ‘Liz Pharma' etc; by named like this they are confusing our customers. We also got information that some one using our name Lazz Pharma by addressing ‘The', ‘New' or Not only that they also copied our legendary “ZZ” which is very worse. Now “Lazz Pharma” is registered to the Government of Pupils Republic Bangladesh. Using this name is law breaking. But we got information that “Lazz Pharma” is used in several parts of our country. So we want to tell our customer that not be confused. Lazz Pharma is using their Logo "" in all sign board and bill board. It is also registered as trademark. Our Branch Kalabagan Branch 4, Kalabagan, Mirpur Road. 911-1843,01191-882-832 Panthopath Branch Zubida Super Market,64/3,Lake Circus,Kalabagan,Dhanmondi,Dhaka-1205. 02-9117839,02-9110864,01712-926-399 Pallobi Branch 2/2 Laboni Plaza,Rupnagar, Pollobi,Dhaka-1216 02-900-9985,01726-233-306 Uttara Branch 1,Jashimuddin Avenue,Sector-3,Uttra Tawer,Uttra-1230 02-891-8264

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