Labaid Specialized Hospital

Labaid Group adds yet another feather in its ornate cap - Labaid Hospital commissioned on 15 July 2004. A new era in the field of care is dawned, a new chapter opened. Labaid Hospital - the fist international standard super-specialty hospital of the country, dedicated exclusively to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases have been built on a six storied building at, Dhanmondi - a commercial cum residential hub of Dhaka City, covering a floor space of more than 100000 sq. feet. Equipped with most modern and state-of-the-art equipment and machineries, the Labaid Hospital makes a solemn commitment to the patients of the country - a commitment to maintain mastery and marvel in acre, to be compassionate and respectful to patients' beliefs and values and to make sound decision in the interest of the patients. A band of highly skilled, dedicated and experienced surgeons, anaesthesiologists, perfusionists, nurses and technicians garnered from both home and abroad work synergistically and collaboratively under close supervision of renowned specialists of international repute not only provide 24-hour services to the patients but also remain standby to deal with any emergency conditions. Labaid Hospital - a hospital with a difference, strives to ensure that patients receive care in the most appropriate setting - in an environment of privacy, kindness and understanding based on LCH spirit of 'Care First' resulting in optimum clinical outcome, greater patient convenience and lower treatment costs. Our approach is comprehensive, physician-led and cost-effective. All our resources are dedicated to keeping the heart healthy and treating it when it is not. Total Team The fundamental strength of Labaid Hospital is its two teams - one of cardiologists and other surgery. The teams are composed of highly skilled, experienced and eminent cardiologists, surgeons and anaesthesiologists. Besides, a band of qualified and experienced nurses, technicians and other support personnel garnered from home and abroad are providing constant care to the patients. There exists an unprecedented amount of amity, understanding and cooperation among the members of the teams which are sine-qua-non for successful treatment out come of ailments. Patient Well Being - A Priority Concern Patients' well being and recovery hinge around good nursing care and comfort to be derived from friendly and cheerful services and appropriate surrounding. Labaid Hospital assures its patients unsurpassed level of comfort, nursing care and convenience in an atmosphere of peace, tranquility and understanding. Its customer care service department works full time to ensure that patients return home with positive experience. Commitment to Highest Standard The highest standard of internationally accepted operational procedures, infection control protocols and safety guidelines are practices in Labaid Hospital. The hospital enforces zero tolerance in compromising on such vital issues. Future Plan Labaid Hospital aims to attain the following: To turn Labaid Hospital into a 'Centre of Excellence' in terms of training, research and development in cardiovascular diseases To introduce newer treads in care through continued and sustained efforts utilizing cutting edge technology and expertise To attain leadership status in pediatric surgery To perform heart transplant surgery Conclusion Despite remarkable growth and development that have taken place in health care delivery system in private sector, a staggering number of patients still stream to foreign lands for better treatment 55% of whom are patients. A rough estimate has it that more than US$ 200 million is siphoned off every year from state coffer to foot the bill of medical treatment abroad. Rapid urbanization, ever changing life style coupled with physical inactivity and unhealthy food habit amongst urban population have contributed to increased incidence of heart ailments in this category of people. Labaid Specialized Hospital, a super specialty hospital of international standard manned by renowned cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and other support staff shall play an all important role in providing optimum care and treatment to cardiac patients of the country. Address: House- 06, Road-04, Dhanmondi,Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh Phone: +88 02 9676356,+88 02 58610793-8 Fax: +88 02 9615497 Email: Mobile: +88 0171-333-333-7 (24-hour Open) Customer Care: +88 0176 666 21 11 Website: Emergency Services 24 Hours Emergency Hotline :01713333337

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