Lab One Hospital

Lab One Hospital has started its journey from 1st February in 2002 to establish a complete, comprehensive & One Stop Haematology Hospital. The upcoming hospital will provide all the modern facilities for the diagnosis and management of patients with haematological disorders. Since last 13 years, we are giving our best efforts in the field of health care services. From the very beginning we were committed with a view to providing Haematology based general medical services at our premises. In the year 2011, Lab One has launched a Blood Bank named Lab One Blood Bank which is registered under govt. registration (Reg. No. 45). Whole Blood, Apheresis Platelet, Plasma Exchange, Random Platelet, Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) & Red Cell Concentrate are available in our Blood Bank. To fulfill the demand of blood & blood products for the patients in this hospital, we have our own Blood Bank & Blood Donor Club. We ensure safe blood transfusion 24 hours by collecting safe blood after five important screening tests (HIV, HCV, HBs Ag, VDRL, and MP). By the year September, 2014 we have achieved the recognition of Lab One Specialized hospital. Because we are giving caemo-therapy for all cancer patients specially blood cancer like Luekemia, & Lymphoma. Thalassaemia & Haemophilia patients are getting special services from this hospital. Treatment facilities for the patients with Multiple Myeloma, Aplastic Anaemia, ITP, DIC. Haemorrhagic dengue fever are also available here at Lab One. Highly specialized tests like Bone Marrow examination, Trephine Biopsy required for the diagnosis of blood disorders & Secondary Haematological disorder are also available at Lab One. We are doing Bone Marrow aspiration in the operation theatre & patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. Haemoglobin Electrophoresis for the diagnosis of Thalassaemia; tests for coagulation & bleeding disorder are also available at Lab One. Because this is a Haematology based General Hospital. Lab One has its authorized permission to transfuse blood & blood products. We are providing transfuse at reasonable & low cost for the patients. We have a foundation named Lab One Foundation which is registered under the societies registration at 1860 (Act XX) of (1860), CRS No. S-11926 of 2014.This foundation is a Non Political, Non-Profitable, Non-Govt., Voluntary and Charitable organization. It is working with different fields of humanitarian works. Beside this, Lab One Foundation has seven specialized annexes – Lab One Foundation of Thalassaemia, Bangladesh Federation of Haemophilia, Lab One Blood Donor Club, Lab One Bone Marrow Donor Club, Lab One Blood Bank (Govt. Reg. No.-45), Lab One Sangskritic Forum & Lab One Support Group For Leukemia, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma,Aplastic Anaemia &others blood disorder Patients. Lab One Hospital and Lab One Specialized Hospital are conducted by renowned Haematologists of Bangladesh who are trained up in our country and abroad.

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