Koyla (Tejgaon Link Road)

Koyla is a place for the finest authentic Indian and Afghan food cuisines. With our quality food and wonderful ambiance, its a marvelous experience. Koyla serves Indian Mughal Cuisine. Food once eaten by kings, now served to you. Taste the flavor and tradition passed over generation. Let the aroma of our dishes entice your taste buds and try our various menu items served mild or spicy. Watch as our Chefs grill over coal to preserve the authenticity of our meal because in English Koyla means coal. Taste Dhaka’s premier Indian Restaurant. Chefs from India and Bangladesh have deployed to prepare the food item in the Koyla kitchen and they are prominent in their profession and posses sound knowledge in health and hygiene. Koyla is adding new delicious food items in their food menu and have the vision to establish more outlets in Dhaka and other main cities of Bangladesh. Koyla is serving the people who love to eat through its three outlets. The outlets are situated at Dhaka, and Cox’s Bazzar. In the name of Kabab sector Koyla is the prominent restaurant which starts its business in 2008.

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