Kiksha is an online shopping site focusing on retail fashion, electronics and casual lifestyle products An e-commerce venture from one of the country’s leading conglomerates ,Ananta Group, sells a wide variety of mens', womens' and kids' clothing items, shoes, and accessories. also specializes in offering electronics products such as smartphones, TVs, IT equipment and home appliances at the best possible prices. We are adding many more items everyday to expand our product collection. The way of shopping at is very simple; customers can browse the store through any computer or mobile device that has an internet connection. After choosing a product, they need to place an order from the website mentioning a name and delivery address. For even more ease, customers can place orders by placing just a phone call. After the placing the order, goods will be home delivered within 2/3 business days. is an online store where customers across the country can shop 24x7 from home. ; Hotline: 0961-2150015, 01844-150015

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