KFC (Mirpur)

In 1939, Colonel Harland Sanders first gave the world a taste of his most famous creation, Original Recipe Kentucky Fried Chicken, featuring that secret blend of 11 herbs and spices. Since that time, millions of people over the world have come to love his one of a kind chicken, homestyle side dishes and hot and fresh biscuits. We still take pride in doing things The Colonel's way, utilizing only ...the highest quality ingredients, innovatiove recipes, and time-tested cooking methods. So come and dine with us, or take some home - any way you like it. Only KFC has so much tasty chicken, fresh from our kitchens, just for you. In Bangladesh: Transcom Foods Limited (TFL) started its journey in 2003 as a franchisee of Pizza Hut, the first International Chain Restaurant in Bangladesh, and went on to sign the contract to become the franchisee of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in the year 2006. Both Pizza Hut and KFC are subsidiaries of the world’s largest restaurant company Yum! Restaurants International. In a span of Nine years, TFL has opened 6 Pizza Hut and 11 KFC outlets so far throughout the country.

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