Kazi Office (Mohakhali)

As per the approval of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh I am, Hafez Abu SalehMohammad Redwan son of Kazi Mohammad RaisUddin,the Registered Kazi(Marriage Registrar)of Bangladesh. Earlier, My father was a famous Quazi from 1961. He was the President of the Muslim Marriage Registrar and National Qazi Shomiti of Bangladesh. He was the renowned Marriage Registrar (Quazi) in the Mohakhali, Gulshan, Banani area of Dhaka. My grandfather was a Judge at about 1948 to 1960. For that time Judge was assigned for the marriage registry activities. At preset I am engaging my effort and knowledge for a happy start up a couple. At present there is no Kazi Office Samitiy in Bangladesh. All the people are moving by there own personal aspects not under a community or Samity. Services >>All sorts of marriage registry, marriage certificates >>Marriage Registration in Bengali, Arabic, English for the foreign embassies >>Any Muslim having legal age may register his/her marriage in the Kazi Office. >>Either the husband or the wife may register Divorce in the Kazi Office. >>Consultancy concerning Muslim marriage. >>Consultancy concerning Muslim divorce. >>Consultancy concerning marriage & divorce of other religion. >>Issuance of Nikahnama (with English version) and Marriage Certificate with Notary Attestation for Immigration/Embassy purpose. >>Marriage Registration Fees: BDT. 1250.00 for Per 1 Lakh (one thousand two hundred fifty only) >> Divorce Fees: BDT. 500 (Five hundred only) >>The bridegroom/bride whose marriage was registered in this Kazi Office may connect with the Registrar for copy of Nikahnama (Deed of Marriage) mentioning the name and address of both bridegroom/bride in the application. >>Attestation, Authentication, Certification of deed-documents by the Notary Public and Consultancy of Legal Matters (Advocate Md. MonzurKadir, Notary Public for whole of Bangladesh,

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