Kay Kraft (Banani)

Kay Kraft crafts and reinvents products for those fashion conscious people who are young at heart and cherish traditions and heritage. We are a fashion design house, manufacturer and retailer of fashion wear, fashion accessories, home textiles, handicraft, and handloom based products of Bangladesh. The initiative primarily targeted young generation of Dhaka city, and within a short span of time became popular among upper middle class young professionals and students of Bangladesh. Utilizing traditional handloom skills, artisan resources and Kay Kraft's own innovative design and presentation, Kay Kraft has become one of the leading brands in the fashion sector of Bangladesh. We have been in handloom based handcrafted fashion wear business for more than nineteen years now. Although initiated as a home-based boutique house, during its successful rapid growth of popularity, operations and infrastructure, Kay Kraft's dimensions and visions have proliferated due to discoveries of unused resources, skills and potentials. A significant number of grass-root level artisans and small entrepreneurs scattered at various parts of the country came forward with their goods, materials and expertise and accelerated the growth of Kay Kraft's infrastructure. Today Kay Kraft consists of about 8000 contractual workers and more than 400 permanent employees. All major weaving regions have been our priority, in terms of fabric including cotton, endy, silk and other variants as it is always. These fabrics have been patterned with both trendy and traditional techniques and then ornamented with eeri, zardousi, sequin-work, cut-work, applique, embroidery, knot stitch, kantha stitch, satin stitch, tie n’ dye, block print and screen print keeping the present flow in mind, we have used all basic colors in various shades and in special schemes.

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