Karmo Showroom (Elephant Road)

Established in 1965, Karmo is the first foam company to operate in Bangladesh. Now Karmo diversified and expanded in to other industries, giving a complete solution to all the bedding and furnishing needs all over Bangladesh. Through Total Quality Management, superior quality goods Karmo Groups of Industries now holds the title of “largest and leading manufacturer of” PU foam, Mattress, Adhesive, Cushion and Furniture, in terms of market share and popularity, in Bangladesh. By dominating almost 46% of the market share of PU foam and similar market share in the mattress, adhesive, furniture and cushion industries Karmo Groups’ growth mirrors the net demand growth in these industries. Karmo offers a complete line of flexible foams for furniture seating, transportation seating, bedding, carpet underlay, and packaging. Established in 1965, Karmo is the first foam company to operate in Bangladesh. Now Karmo diversified and expanded in to other industries, giving a complete solution to all the bedding and furnishing needs all over Bangladesh. Through Total Quality Management, superior quality goods Karmo Groups of Industries now holds the title of “largest and leading manufacturer of” PU foam, Mattress, Adhesive, Cushion and Furniture, in terms of market share and popularity, in Bangladesh. By dominating almost 46% of the market share of PU foam and similar market share in the mattress, adhesive, furniture and cushion industries Karmo Groups’ growth mirrors the net demand growth in these industries. Karmo offers a complete line of flexible foams for furniture seating, transportation seating, bedding, carpet underlay, and packaging.

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